Stay Sharp! 5 Surprising Ways to Improve Mental Clarity

Best at Every Age, Wellness

Stay Sharp! 5 Surprising Ways to Improve Mental Clarity

Yes, aging is inevitable. But aging doesn’t mean we have to live a life of diminished health and wellness. Scientific advancements enable us to support an active, healthy lifestyle. No matter our age, a rich quality of life and mental clarity is the goal!

In my series, Best at Every Age!  I’ve talked about how a positive mindset is key to cultivating a youthful outlook, shared information about important vitamins that can help us maintain an active lifestyle, explored ways we can slow aging, and covered effective anti-aging tips for skin. In this post, let’s take a look at 5 surprising things we can do to stay mentally sharp even as we age.

5 surprising ways to improve mental clarity

While focusing on other aspects of health, many often forget just how vital brain health is. It’s important to exercise and eat right in order to keep the body healthy, but being in good health doesn’t just mean physically. Being healthy includes mental and cognitive health. If you’re already exercising regularly and eating a nutrient-rich diet, you’re on the right path and don’t necessarily need to make major lifestyle changes. 

However, because your brain loses elasticity as you age, it’s more difficult for the brain to make the required connections. This often results in difficulty focusing, recalling memories, and an inability to pay attention. You can prevent this from happening by keeping your brain healthy. Provided you treat it right, a healthy brain will retain its elasticity, allowing you to continue learning and retaining memories well into your senior years. Read on for some surprising ways we can maintain, and possibly even increase, mental clarity as we age. 

Stay sharp 5 surprising ways to maintain mental clarity

1. Eat Spicy Foods

Certain spices help to preserve cognitive function and memory, because they contain polyphenols. Known for their antioxidant properties, polyphenols serve to protect the nervous system. As a bonus, polyphenols also work to prevent Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and lateral sclerosis. Spices that can help increase clarity include cilantro, cinnamon, cumin, and sage. 

2. Challenge Your Senses

To challenge your brain, trying limiting your senses. Try eating with your eyes shut, and concentrate on the different flavors, textures, and smells of the food that you’re eating. Limiting your senses will enhance the potential of different regions of your brain. 

3. Write About It

We’ve become accustomed to typing on computers and text messaging. Many people rarely find the need to actually write something out, but it remains an effective way for the brain to process information. The movement the fingers make while writing by hand activates areas of the brain related to thinking, language, and memory. So, while you may prefer to keep your to-do list in your phone, grab a pen and write it out instead. 

4. Change Up Your Routine

While a sleep routine is essential for optimal health, breaking up the typical routine of your daily tasks stimulates your brain. Changing your routine keeps your brain active and thinking. Doing the same thing every day at the same time can actually decrease mental capacity. You can start changing things up by switching which hand you brush your teeth with or by changing your coffee order. 

5. Say It Out Loud

Saying words out loud is another excellent way to improve memory. Whether studying or trying to absorb new information, read the material out loud. It really does make a difference!


Stay sharp 5 surprising ways to maintain mental clarity

Stay Sharp!

Far too often, we just accept physical changes as we age and don’t realize it’s not the norm. We’ve been taught to believe that as we age we’re going to forget things, but don’t believe what you hear about a lack of mental clarity and aging. You don’t have to lose brain or memory function just because you’re getting older. Follow the guidelines above and stay sharp, whatever your age!

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This information is presented as entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding anything new to your diet or regimen.


Many thanks for the stock images to:
Prophsee Journals on Unsplash
Obed Hernández on Unsplash

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