Say Bonjour to February with a free printable!
Bonjour February Let’s greet the month known for love in the language of love, and say Bonjour February! Personally, I’m all about making a celebration of this month. In my…
Bonjour February Let’s greet the month known for love in the language of love, and say Bonjour February! Personally, I’m all about making a celebration of this month. In my…
Design, Free Printables, Sassy Series
Winter Blues Arrgh. It’s that time of year. Post holidays and pre-everything else. Dead of winter and mostly night. It’s just plain cold, and if it isn’t storming, it’s already…
New Year and a new series The New Year is here and it’s time for a new series! I like the idea of starting fresh, as well as trying something…
Winter is here Once again, my fourth favorite season is upon us. :-/ It’s cold. It’s dark. And in my region, the inversion sets in, creating a soupy haze that just…
Free Printables, Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness
Holiday Hygge Hygge, pronounced (Hue-gah), can be generally described as a feeling of coziness, comfort, familiarity, friendship, laughter and seasonal homemade food and drinks. Although it’s possible to achieve hygge any…
Poinsettia Holiday Vibe Oh my goodness! While looking for artwork for my ‘I love Poinsettias’ printable, I came across so much pretty Poinsettia art that I decided to just lean…
Birthstone Series, Design, Free Printables
December’s choice I had a few stones to choose from for December’s birthstone. Turquoise and Zircon are also options for December, but I think Tanzanites are beautiful and unusual, so…
Seasonal Color In my region, the cold season lasts almost 5 months, with much of that time covered in snow. I’m sure I’m no different than other gardeners when I…
Cinnamon’s remarkable health benefits The Holidays are fast approaching, and is it even a celebration without the scent of cinnamon in the air? Surrounded by baked goods, cinnamon sticks, and…