Best at Every Age! Embracing Life’s Changes

Best at Every Age, Wellness

Best at Every Age! Embracing Life’s Changes

We’re all aging, but it doesn’t have to mean loss of health and diminished strength.  Scientific advancements enable us to live a healthy lifestyle. No matter our age, a rich quality of life is the goal and embracing where we are right now is the key.

In my series, “Best at Every Age!” I’ve talked about how a positive mindset is key to cultivating a youthful outlook, shared info about important vitamins that help us maintain a healthy, active lifestyle, and explored actions we can take to slow aging. I’ve shared anti-aging tips for skin, offered tips to maintain mental clarity, and explored the 7 dimensions of wellness. In this post, we’ll look at helpful ways to embrace the changes that come with age. 

Embracing where we are right now

As soon as we’re born we start to age, but at that point, it seems joyous. When is it that we lose that feeling of joy about getting older? And why is it that we really only think about aging as another birthday looms? 21 is an exciting milestone and so is 25 (yay car rentals!), but as soon as we hit 30 we start thinking about age differently. Suddenly Botox seems like a great idea and skin creams are a must.

More realistically, let’s focus on being happy, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Building a strong sense of health and wellness helps to counteract the typical negative thoughts that often come  with aging. There’s good news, though, because there are other ways to embrace the natural changes that come with age.

Best at Every Age Embracing Life's Changes

1. Rest Well

Rest is important at every age, but ensuring you get at least seven hours every night will prevent premature aging. Your life is probably pretty stressful, so you need to give your body the time to relax, heal, and refresh.

2. Skin Care Routine

You need to change this up because the creams and routines you used throughout your 20s, 30s, and 40s won’t be as effective as you age. Skin loses collagen as it ages, so it’s important to choose products that are designed for your age group. Products that contain plant stem cells are great for stimulating the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid will plump it back up. Retinol creams help fight wrinkles (lower percentages are better for sensitive skin). Always use sunscreen and remember to use products on your neck and chest area, too, they are just as prone to aging as your face.

3. Be Active

It will be far easier to embrace your age when you lean into it and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is through regular exercise and keeping fit. Some years ago, you had children to chase around, and you were probably more active in work and play. It’s important to maintain fitness as you age, so make the time for daily exercise. Whether you opt for walking around the neighborhood, golfing, tai chi, or yoga, do something that gets your heart beating faster every day.

4. Stimulate Your Brain

It’s really easy to let your brain go as you start to get older. You don’t tend to realize how little thinking you’re doing because you’re slowing things down at work, taking on fewer responsibilities and gearing down your challenges. This is especially true of retirees. Find activities that present a challenge and will keep your mind growing, whether it’s puzzles, learning a new language or to play a new instrument, traveling, volunteering, or even playing chess in the park. There are plenty of ways to keep your mind nimble.

5. Embracing Life’s Changes

Don’t be that person who’s stuck in how things used to be. While it can be overwhelming, embracing change enables us to find happiness and confidence. Technology is expanding rapidly and changes constantly. You don’t need to know everything, but making the effort to stay up to date with technology and society’s current events is a sure way to keep your mind active and embrace life.

Best at Every Age Embracing Life's Changes

Let’s Be our Best

The worst thing we can do when faced with aging is to hide from it. Shift your focus to being stronger, wiser, and growing. Another year means more wisdom, more passion, and more opportunities to spend time with the ones you love. Don’t be afraid to reassess your life and make changes that will enhance your quality of life. Most importantly, surround yourself with happiness and joy and always make time for a hearty laugh. Embracing your life, whatever the stage, enables you to be your best, at every age!

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This post is presented as informational entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding anything new to your diet or regimen.


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