Want more positivity in your life? Surround yourself with inspiration!

Free Printables, Monthly Motivation

Want more positivity in your life? Surround yourself with inspiration!

Surround Yourself With Inspiration

Our brains are complex and complicated devices. There’s still a lot to learn about how they work and what influences them. One thing we do know is that outside cues can and will influence how we think and feel. That’s why it can be helpful to surround yourself with inspiration.

Become a Positive Thinker

Becoming a more positive thinker isn’t always easy. We start that way as children, but somewhere along the line we learn it isn’t all sunshine and roses. We get in the habit of focusing on the negative, the bad stuff, and sometimes, our experiences have a way of cutting the joy and positivity right out of our thoughts. That’s a bad habit to get into, and like any bad habit it can be hard to break.

Want more positivity in your life? Surround yourself with inspiration! Includes printable

Make New Habits

Forming a new habit requires you to make the decision to do something different over and over again. For that to happen, you need reminders. You need reasons to change. That’s why inspiration is so important. Things, people, and ideas that inspire us create reminders to try harder, do better, and keep pushing until these new habits are firmly established.

Surround Yourself with Motivation

Your first step is to find out what inspires and motivates you. It could be an inspirational quote. Or maybe it’s creating a goal and tracking your progress. It could even be pictures of your family, or a photo of that end goal. Find out what inspires you; then, start to surround yourself with it.

Let’s say quotes and affirmations inspire you. Then surround yourself with them! Either purchase or download (see below!) some pre-made quotes. Or get crafty and come up with your own pieces of art that incorporate your favorites, and hang them up where you’ll see them daily.

Even handwritten notes are great. Write down your affirmations, and stick them to your bathroom mirror, fridge, or computer monitor. Put them in places where you’ll see them and read them multiple times per day. Order a mug with your favorite word or quote on it and use it every morning. Do what you can to surround yourself with inspiration.

Use those visual cues as a reminder and motivator. Use them because it makes you happy and puts you in a good mood. Let them inspire those positive thinking habits until they become a natural and an integral part of who and what you are.

Want more positivity in your life? Surround yourself with inspiration! Includes printable

Inspiration is Your Friend

Inspiration is your friend. It’s also ever-changing. As an example, quotes and affirmations will work great for a while. Then you’ll stop noticing those visual reminders of positive and creative thinking. After awhile they’ll blur into the background, and you may forget to use them as positive reinforcement. That’s why it’s important to change things up and find new inspiration on a regular basis. Keep an eye out for new motivation, and you’ll find it. To help, I’ve created a motivating printable. You don’t know what you can accomplish until you try!

Download your free ‘Decision to Try’ printable by clicking the button below


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