7 Dimensions of Genuine Wellness – Best at Every Age!

Best at Every Age, Wellness

7 Dimensions of Genuine Wellness – Best at Every Age!

We’re all aging, but that doesn’t mean we must accept a life of diminished health and wellness. Scientific advancements offer opportunities for an active, healthy lifestyle. No matter our age, a rich quality of life and mental clarity is the goal.

In previous posts of my series, “Best at Every Age”  I’ve talked about how a positive mindset is key to cultivating a youthful outlook, and shared information about important vitamins that can help us maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. I’ve also explored actions we can take to slow the aging process, talked about anti-aging tips for skin, and shared tips to stay sharp and keep our mental clarity.

In this post, let’s talk about the 7 dimensions of genuine wellness, and what we can do to balance and enhance our lives by developing each dimension.

7 dimensions of genuine wellness - best at every age!

The 7 Dimensions of Genuine Wellness

When people think of good health, they tend to focus on either the presence or absence of disease. Yet what we really need to focus on is the seven dimensions of wellness. Integrating all aspects of your mind and body can create a harmonious lifestyle of genuine wholeness and enable you to reach your full potential of good health and overall wellness.

The seven dimensions are:

1. Emotional: how well you understand your feelings and your ability to share them

2. Spiritual: realizing the importance of establishing peace and harmony via a common purpose that ties creation together, which gives purpose to your own life as well

3. Environmental: taking responsibility for the quality of air, water and land around us

4. Occupational: making a positive impact on your workplace and gaining personal fulfillment from your chosen career

5. Intellectual: experiencing new ideas, situations and challenges; improving skills and learning new concepts

6. Physical: the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life through a balanced diet, exercise, and rest, while avoiding bad habits such as drugs, alcohol, etc.

7. Social: the ability to establish and maintain relationships with friends, family, and co-workers, as well connecting and relating to other people in the world.

Now that we’ve covered what the seven dimensions of genuine wellness are, here are some ideas to help you get the most out of each:

7 dimensions of genuine wellness - best at every age!

1. Get Active

You know that being physically fit improves your cardiovascular system, enhances your immune system and boosts your self-esteem. However, what people often overlook are the many benefits that come from exercise itself. Exercising decreases stress and improves sleep patterns, and the instant mood lift that exercising provides can change your outlook. Some examples of exercising include bicycling, jogging, yoga, weight training, and tai chi, to name just a few. Any activity that increases your heart rate higher than 120 beats per minute will enhance your fitness and overall wellness.

2. Read Up

Yes, you’re busy and you read plenty of work-related material, so the idea of casual, light reading may not be high on your list. But, reading stimulates your brain and enhances your ability to focus. Studies also show that reading is an excellent way to unwind from the stress of your daily routine. Besides, it’s an opportunity to further your knowledge in whatever topic interests you. New technologies enable you to take your reading material with you anywhere, and you can even listen along with audio books.

3. Be Social

Feeling connected is fundamental to genuine wellness. Making connections with your family, friends, neighbors, community, even your colleagues releases endorphins (the ‘happy’ hormone) which help you to feel good about yourself for several hours afterward. Endorphins also lower blood pressure and glucose levels, and reduce stress. They also allow you to see things from a wider perspective and open doors to creativity. Even sharing a smile with a stranger is a simple way of connecting.

4. Choose a Hobby

You may enjoy playing a musical instrument, gardening, photography, or everything I’ve listed and more. The important thing is that you invest your time. Set aside some hobby time during the weekend, then slowly integrate it into your daily routine, even if it’s only for a short time. The time spent adds up and you’ll find your skillset improves without actually thinking about it. Working on your hobby also benefits your mental state. Focusing on something you enjoy forms new pathways in your brain, which helps with concentration and memory. It also reduces stress by lowering your cortisol levels.

You Are Unique

Genuine wellness is different for every person. Get in touch with what fulfills you and brings you happiness. It’s worth your time to develop each dimension of wellness and create a life that enables you to be your best, at every age! 

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This information is presented as entertainment and not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or disease. Always consult your medical professional before adding anything new to your diet or regimen.

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